participants (WORKCOUNTRY)in order of nick:
caro (A); cloed/van (A/vietnam); cym (NL); kata (SLO); sol (A); margit
(A); moni (D); reni (A); guest: ales (CZ)
fotos by (BiH/A)
a first real embrace a
quickcam a first virtual embrace on a laptopscreen a second virtual embrace
through a real scan of a real foto of a first virtual embrace on a laptopscreen
a second real embrace: embrace your screen;
reni reads a song;
mirroring of
eastereggs (lamps);
the cymsmile;
caro manipulates
strings part I;
ales modulates air in waves; projection;
excerpt of the
42-video: rainwave behind curtain;
renisong; katasong; preparation; play;
caro manipulates strings
part II;
excerpt of the 42-video:
<kata> here we have a flood;
cym explosions; cym looks (all lekker);
monis characters dance
(jogi sees something);
a beer; a label; a curtain (again); a mirror;
margit films moni conducts;
sol; cloed/van;
look inside (green);
solsong; margitfilm;
sol and ales (is this
katas hand);
ales and sol (this is
katas hand);
the end;
cym's galaxies
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